Creep Rupture

Test ID



A creep apparatus is used to apply loads (stress) to the samples until failure occurs.  Loads are chosen to cause failure to happen across three decades of time (1 hr, 10 hrs, and 100hrs) as well as an instantaneous failure.  Tensile bars are clamped between grips at either end and a constant load is applied to specimen.

NOTE: Due to the long-term nature of this test it is necessary to speak to a sales associate before placing an order. Because the typical test duration is three weeks, priority and economy pricing are not available unless a shorter test duration is desired.



  • ASTM D2990
  • ISO 899-1


Creep Rupture Stress vs. Time to Failure. This data appears in Matereality as Tensile Creep.


Number of times this test is repeated: 2


25 tensile bars [details]


This test can be used to determine time-to-failure at a given stress. It is useful for determining a stress below which it is safe to operate. Creep rupture stress versus time-to-rupture data can be used directly in design for some cases.

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