Testing for Energy & Petroleum

The oil industry dominates this industry segment with applications for extremely challenging environments. Oil field equipment, drilling muds, cements and other materials must sustain extreme conditions of temperature, pressure and corrosive chemicals.

Oil and gas transportation presents different challenges including cryogenic environments, saline exposure, creep and shock situations on metals, foams and rubber. Designing for these situations requires high quality material data that accurately reflect the real life situations.

Novel areas in the energy sector include wind and solar. These present different challenges including UV and weathering exposure on plastics, glass and composites. Impact situations, creep and fatigue are important as components and structures are exposed to the extremes in the environment for extended periods of time.

TestPaks typically ordered by this industry

Testpak ID Name
G-711 Abaqus Elastic and Plastic model (*ELASTIC *PLASTIC)
G-761 Ansys Hyperelastic (HYPER)
G-760 Ansys Hyperelastic w/ compressibility (HYPER)
G-755 Ansys Viscoelastic (TB, Prony or EVISC)
G-720 Abaqus Hyperelastic Incompressible (*HYPERELASTIC)
G-740 Abaqus Stress Relaxation (*VISCOELASTIC, TIME=RELAXATION)
G-266 SIGMASOFT Thermoplastic: Filled Semi-Crystalline Material
G-712 Abaqus Rate Dependent Viscoplastic (*RATE DEPENDENT)
G-114 Moldflow CRIMS Shrinkage
G-742 Abaqus Viscoelastic Model (*VISCOELASTIC)

Tests typically ordered by this industry

Test ID Name
M-204 Tensile Stress-Strain, Strength, and Modulus
D-020 PVT (Isothermal Heating)
T-103 Thermal Conductivity Scan
SP-105 Specimen Machining Services
SP-101 Specimen Molding Services
M-035 Plastic Point in Tension
T-302 Thermal Expansion Coefficient by TMA (Anisotropic)
M-011 Tensile Modulus
T-015 Specific Heat
M-205 Tensile Properties of Elastomers
Testing for Energy & Petroleum
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