Altair Viscoelastic Model

Test ID



DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis) tests are performed in shear mode on a given material. Testing includes frequency sweeps at multiple temperatures in order to produce a mastercurve of storage shear modulus, loss shear modulus and tan delta versus frequency. The testing is performed in the "linear viscoelastic" region meaning that applied strain does not effect the magnitude of the modulus. The collected data is then converted to time domain and fit to a Prony series viscoelatstic material model of relaxation modulus versus time. Testing performed at low temperatures produce high frequency (low time) scale data and high temperatures produce low frequency (high time) scale data. If you are unsure of what scale you need for your application please contact us.

Included Tests

1x M-610 Stress Relaxation/ Creep Compliance by DMA



: 1 plaques



Viscoelastic data is used for many applications. Viscoelastic models can be used to impart rate dependency in hyperelastic material models, capture long term stress relaxation in seals and gaskets as well as frequency based analysis of vibration and NVH.

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