Ansys Kinematic Hardening (BKIN, MKIN/KINH)

Test ID



This TestPak includes test M-622 and M-206, tensile stress-strain, strength and modulus, with Poisson's Ratio as well as the cyclic hardening test. The Chaboche hardening parameters are determined from the cyclic test. Typically this model is only used on metal materials that experience cyclic hardening.

Included Tests

1x M-206 Tensile Stress-Strain, Strength, Modulus and Poisson's Ratio
1x M-622 Cyclic Hardening Stress-Strain



: 10 tensile bars



This model is not recommended for materials exhibiting large strains. It is designed for materials obeying the von Mises yield criteria. The analysis reflects a multilinear material response.

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