Polyflow Extrusion (Viscous Non-Isothermal)

Test ID



Properties needed to perform an extrusion simulation are generated. These include viscosity vs. shear rate data at three temperatures (two in the processing range and one below), thermal properties at process conditions. KBKZ model fitting for Polyflow is performed.

Included Tests

1x D-015 Melt Density
3x R-011 Capillary Rheology (1 Temperature)
1x T-015 Specific Heat
1x T-103 Thermal Conductivity Scan



: 1 kg of pellets



Simulations of non-isothermal extrusion applications may be carried out. This TestPak must be used to characterize materials whose viscosity depends significantly on temperature and in cases where the temperature gradients in the configuration being simulated are large. Visco-elastic effects are assumed to be insignificant.

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