PELDOM Non-Isothermal TestPak

Test ID



Capillary Viscosity with entrance loss correction at two temperatures bracketing process range, data fit to Carreau/WLF model. Slit die rheology at two temperatures, cone and plate steady shear rheology at one temperature to determine zero shear viscosity, melt density, specific heat and melt thermal conductivity.

Included Tests

1x D-015 Melt Density
3x R-012 Capillary Rheology with Bagley Correction (1 Temperature)
1x T-101 Thermal Conductivity (Melt)
1x R-021 DMA Cone and Plate Steady Shear Rheology (1 Temperature)
1x R-035 Slit-Die Rheology (1 Temperature, 1 Die)
1x T-015 Specific Heat



: 2 kg of pellets



This TestPak is used to develop a non-isothermal material model for PELDOM to simulate extrusion flows where extensional viscosity effects are significant.

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